Legally change your name by Deed Poll today. Guaranteed service. Full customer support. How do I sign a statutory declaration? What is a statutory declaration? Is it legal to make a false declaration? It tells examiners about what a Statutory Declaration is, when it is used (both in the UK and overseas) and who has the legal power to authenticate a Statutory Decleration. Published February. However, under policy, your statement should be witnessed or certified according to the legal pra. A statutory declaration is a written statement that you sign and declare to be true and correct in the presence of an authorised witness. You can be charged with a criminal offence if the inform. Before you sign the form and fill in the date and place, you need to find an authorised witness. Who can be a witness. Only some people can witness a statutory. Form 8statutory declaration. Do solemnly and sincerely DECLARE and say as. Free Shipping on eBay. It is only a statement, it is c...