Get an Action Plan To Take Control Of Your Bills And Ease Your Mind. International Year of the Nurse and Midwife and Jane has shared her story to give some insight into the role midwives play in helping expectant mothers bring new life into the world. COVID-statistics are available on the NSW Health webpage. This article examines recent hydroxychloroquine-azithromycin research, and finds that it is underpinned by very low-quality methodology. What is HealthPathways ? HNE Health - Nurses and midwives like Michelle Keir, HNE. HealthPathways offers clinicians locally agreed information to make the right decisions together with patients, at the point of care. The pathways are designed primarily for general practice teams, but are also available to specialists, allied health professionals, and other health professionals in your region. Hunter New England Local Health District ( HNELHD ) covers a region of 137square kilometres. It encompasses a major metropolitan centre, region...