Touchscreen pos solution. Flexible, affordable and open source. Professional cash desk solution. Affordable software. Discover our range of applications. Provides Various Business Software. What is point based visa system? How many points are required for visa? The points-based system will provide simple, effective and flexible arrangements for skilled workers from around the world to come to the UK through an employer-led system. All applicants, both EU. RQF Level jobs which have been largely excluded from the current Tier visa system are included in the new UK immigration and visa points system. Will the new system make the situation worse in some respects? Currently, some migrants can gain Tier visas under the Tier Sponsor Licence system with a salary of £28per annum. It replaced a labyrinthine stratagem which saw different types of visa granted. However, after BREXIT. There are a few other types of visa available, with different rules - for example, family vis...