If you have any requirements for consular services you need to contact the consulate of Iraq in Sydney directly. The Iraqi consulate general in Sydney is one of Iraqi diplomatic and consular representations abroad. Keep in mind that a consulate can have more or less or different consular services. For your convenience we also listed below all other consulates of Iraq located in United Arab Emirates.
Information concerning the Embassy of Iraq in London, United Kingdom, Iraqi visa rules, tourist destinations in Iraq , local weather outlook, public bank holidays and a lot more travel facts for Iraq are found by checking out the links on this web page.
The Foreign Ministry expresses its rejection and condemnation of the violation of the sovereignty of Iraq by the US forces through the bombing of the headquarters of the Military , police, and the Popular Mobilization Forces which are Iraqi national forces that defended Iraq and its unity and have fought valiantly, and stopped the expansion of Da’esh to the countries of the region, and the. The mission of the United States Embassy is to advance the interests of the United States, and to serve and protect U. Australian Embassy in Iraq website. Casey Building John. Media caption Fires were set next to the walls of the embassy compound by angry demonstrators.
Protesters angered by recent US air strikes targeting an Iranian-backed Iraqi militia have attacked. If you are in need of urgent consular assistance, please refer to the consular information below.
Medical information on COVID-19. Inter-state quarantine rules. Important information Updated (GMT) 17.
The Foreign Ministry expresses its condolences to the Arab world in particular to the Tunisian people for the passing away of the politician Al-Shathili Al-Qalibi who spent a half of his life in the service of joint Arab action through his presidency of the League of Arab States and a working life full of giving and noble deeds for his people and his nation. Therefore we have made changes to how we operate in an effort to reduce the spread of coronavirus and to ensure we can continue to provide essential consular services. The iraqi Embassy in Canberra.
Head of the mission is Ambassador. For questions regarding trading regulations, passport and VISA requirements please contact directly the Embassy in Canberra. Jurisdiction New South Wales. Mr Ali Mohammed Baqer WITW. A personal letter from the applicant addressed to the Embassy of Iraq , explaining the purpose of the trip, dates of travel, cities to be visite and place of accommodation.
The Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights (IHCHR), an official watchdog, said three protesters had been killed in a clash outside the consulate. Due to the increasing suspension of airlinks and unprecedented operational pressures, New Zealand has temporarily withdrawn staff from its Embassy in Iraq. Our staff are working remotely as our building is closed.
Consulate -General of the Republic of Iraq.
When calling, you may therefore hear a message stating that our offices are closed. This is a general guide only. But it could have been prevented if the international. Iraqi protesters attacked the Iranian consulate in the city of Karbala, in the latest sign of mounting anger against Tehran’s involvement in the country’s affairs. Enquiries and Contact Information.
Address Colgo ct. Includes a forum where you can discuss the Embassy. Latest travel advice for Indonesia. Christopher Betts, 3 was employed as a.
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