In the US military, Sir is a greeting for the officer class of service members. They receive commissions and come from academic backgrounds to carry out unit level operational, strategic, and logistical planning. It is a humorous saying and is a jab at staff officers an.
As far as the military goes - there are officers and there are enlisted people. Go fuck yourself, Smapdy.
As if there is some other reason to work or anything else you can do for a living. I think that the implication is that bosses (people who you might call sir ) do not really work for a living. The real workers of the world are blue collar types. Want to Embed this clip in your website? I work for a living.
Like: Embed: Gif: Story: St. Don’t Call Me ‘ Sir ’: Rahul Gandhi - Duration: 4:06. Brut India Recommended for you.
Randi Busse 4views. Some Useful Links for You to Get Started. It seems like you’re running a default WordPress website. Here are a few useful links to get you. He had never been told he was worth respect before.
I saw him sit up a little straighter. In the Army, Officers are referred to as Sir while Non commissioned officers, or sergeants, are referred to as sergeant. Sergeants make things happen in the Army. The only time enlisted people are called sir is in a basic training environment such as Marine Boot, Army Basic, Air Force Basic, ROTC Field Training, etc. In this case, you are not yet in the military so they are a sir to you.
However, once on active. With Louis Gossett Jr. Todd Sherry, Hayward Nishioka. Oh, and that reminds me. Do you remember our stowaway?
Source: xloyal-soldiersx-blog, via xloyal-soldiersx-blog) years ago (notes) xloyal-soldiersx: …I suppose antagonizing works pretty well. I ( use to ) work for a living.
Happysin Lapsed Satanist Ars Legatus Legionis et Subscriptor. Tribus: Tucker, GA. As already mentione commissioned officers are called sir or maam by enlisted while enlisted men are called by rank and name only by everyone.
After all, a lot of ex-military people tend to stay quite aligned with their backgrounds, especially if they are young when they join, as I assume Gibbs was. They say, Sir , and it never changes. Not if he wants a tip, anyway.
Sir Howard Davies wants to make it.
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