No paper work required. Submit your request online and BT will contact your other funds to arrange your rollover (s). Superannuation forms All the forms you need to make the most of your super , including rolling over other super funds into your BT super account and employer contributions forms. BT rollover tool Our rollover tool makes it simple for you to rollover other super funds you may have into your BT superannuation account, with the potential to save on super fees.
Use this form to withdraw part or all of your investment in BT Super for Life. Hi All, I called the options team as my current contract is coming to an end.
I’m on BT fibre plus with a discount for the contract duration. I obviously don’t want to pay the full price, so asked about offers for re-contracting. I was told that there are no current offers for this package, howev. A number of important changes have been made to super rules recently.
And inactive super accounts with balances less than $0will now need to be closed and transferred to the ATO. These changes could impact you. By completing this form, you will request the transfer of the whole balance of your super benefits to your self‑managed super fund (SMSF).
You can only use this form to transfer your super benefits to an SMSF. The Notes at the back will help you complete this form. Complete this form by typing directly into the relevant sections, then print off before signing, alternatively complete by using black pen – print in clearCAPITAL LETTERS.
Rollover other super into your Rest or Acumen account anytime in the Rest App or online in MemberAccess. Or download and complete a paper form. Please ensure that you meet the eligibility requirements for lump sum withdrawals before lodging your request. Before you consolidate your super , you should check with your other super funds if there are any fees or tax implications, or loss of insurance or other benefits. This form is not available online.
Disclosure documents Perform. The Standard Choice Form must be used by you to change funds (see below for details). This form can not be used to transfer part of the balance of your super benefits.
You can not use this form to transfer your benefits to your own self-managed super fund (SMSF). Tax file number declaration form. Whole balance transfer to a Kiwisaver Scheme.
Your super is your money. As with any savings account, the more that's in it - the more it can earn. That's why it's important to keep all your super together, in one happy place.
All the forms you need to manage your super or pension account. All our member guides, fact sheets and other resources all in the one place. Superannuation rollover form.
Get started today, grow your super , explore your retirement or review your insurance with our handy set of tools. Tools and calculators. Call us or visit our website for a copy.
Financial planning services are provided by our.
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