We are a state government statutory authority that helps make renting work for everyone. We provide tenancy information and support, bond management, dispute resolution, investigations and prosecutions, and education services. New and updated forms for general tenancies and rooming.

START NOW Lodge, refund or dispute a bond online. During a tenancy, the tenant has the right to enjoy the. The RTA has developed online versions of the forms our customers use for essential tenancy transactions, making it easier and more convenient to do business with us. Assured shorthold tenancies (ASTs)The most common form of tenancy is an AST.
Most new tenancies are automatically this type. A tenancy can be an AST if all of the following apply:. It has important information for both landlords and tenants, including those in boarding houses. Remember, this is only a guide.
It doesn’t cover everything and it’s not the same as getting legal advice. Download the Renting and You guide below. Federal Law Review 151.
This form is for a landlord and tenant to fill in together before the tenant moves in. It sets out the key things the landlord and tenant agree to do, like when rent is pai if pets are allowe etc. WARRING landlords and tenants have flooded a government rental referee with nearly 30COVID-tenancy tiffs across Queensland.
Residential tenancy agreement. Notice to local authority of wrongful-termination order. Sub-tenancy notice to leave. CHAPTER Interpretation of Part. Meaning of notice to leave and stated eviction ground.
Landlord includes lender in some cases. The version of the browser you are using is not compatible with this website. Please update your browser to a more recent version. Information for people living in or owning a rental property, caravan park, rooming house or movable dwelling in Victoria.

Covers leases, bonds, repairs. In asking tenants and property owners to find a solution that works for all parties, the RTA will have clear guidelines that prohibit a requirement to draw on superannuation, or sell basic personal assets. This factsheet summarises the law in NSW about repairs and maintenance for rented premises – including the obligations of landlord and tenant, and how to get repairs done, whether they are ‘urgent’ or ‘non-urgent’.
Services is a different facility to RTA Web Services. Please note that special rules during COVID-may affect. Renting, buying and selling property, building and renovating, retirement villages, boarding houses. There are significant fines for breach as well as a. Dwellings which are exempt from the Act include e. Renewals in this case include statutory periodic tenancies that are created at the end of a fixed term on or after this date. Policies include specific information on the rights and responsibi.
This factsheet briefly outlines NSW residential tenancies law – including coverage of the Act, your rights and obligations, and certain terms of the standard tenancy agreement.
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