Variable Interest Rate. Paid Monthly or Annually. Minimum Deposit Required. A business name holder does not need to display their certificate of registration. For example, on their shopfront.
Searching our business name index is the best way to determine the current status of a business name. You must clearly display your registered business name outside your Queensland business locations if the place of business is open to the public. You must publish your registered business name on all business correspondence and documents, such as business letters, invoices, account statements, publications, official notices, orders and receipts. ABN Lookup served over 1. Access to the service is free and easy to use. Disclaimer: The following links lead to sites that are not operated by QBCC.
We take no responsibility for the content of these sites, nor endorse any opinions, advice or commercial goods or services that they may promote or contain. A trusted and clearly identifiable business name can be a valuable asset to your business. Ideally, your business name will be memorable. Registering a business name is not the same as registering a. Your business name identifies you to your customers and allows you to differentiate yourself from your competitors.
Take a look through our site for more information! Check if a business name is available. Use our tool to check if your proposed name is available to register – either as a business name or a domain name. Note: This tool is only an indication that a business name is available. It does not guarantee.
The whole approval process typically takes no more than a few hours, up to business days in exceptional cases. You will receive your certificate instantly once your application is approve after which you can start using it in all your business activities. Fastest business name registration service.
Trusted by over 500Australians. Coast Wide Certification is an example of a business name The Firm ( qld ) Pty Ltd used. The complete list includes business names. Business Lookup - Company Name Search. The information on Marland.
Mrbillercom is an example of a business name Orion Group ( qld ) Pty Ltd used. The national business names registration service is managed by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). If you wanted to register a business name tomorrow, you should compare your choice against the alphabetical list of existing company and existing business names. You should also check the Trade Marks Register held by IP Australia to ensure that your chosen business name will not conflict with a registered trademark.

You cannot reserve a business name (though you can reserve a company name ). What is Whitepages ? This test will list DNS records for a domain in priority order. Is it necessary to register a business name ? Remember that a descriptive or generic name identifying the service or product you’re offering will make it easy for customers to work out what. We can send an extract to you within working days.
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