For Clinicians page includes consent forms and patient information sheets and clinician links. Informed Consent Informed consent is an integral component of the provision of quality, patient-centred healthcare. Queensland Health is committed to providing support to their clinicians and patients in the area of informed consent by offering a comprehensive, relevant suite of consent documents.

The Individual or Signatory may request a copy of the signed form by contacting the Principal of the school. What if I give my consent and later change my mind? Queensland Health maintains over 5multi-disciplinary, procedure-specific informed consent and associated patient (consumer) information forms.
The aim is to provide statewide consistency for clinicians, in particular doctors, who work in various healthcare settings and who are responsible for obtaining informed consent from patients. Forms for existing department tenants. Application for transfer (PDF, MB) Complete this form if you would like to apply to move to a different departmental property.

Application for mutual exchange (PDF, 828KB) or Complete this form if you are a department tenant who would like to apply to exchange properties with another tenant. Queensland Health, Queensland Government, Consent forms for BCG Vaccination, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3. Application for Social Housing — Additional Applicants (PDF, 7KB ) Complete this form where there are more than applicants and submit this with your application. Application for Consent Orders — Proposed Orders Template — this template supplies the four forms you need to compile your consent orders into the document which receives the court stamp (seal) on them. The four forms are: Cover Sheet for the Consent Orders.
First page for the Consent Orders. You have the opportunity to give consent for the kindergarten teacher to send the completed statement to your child’s school and outside school hours care service (if applicable). This information will be retained by the kindergarten, school and outside school hours care service in accordance with applicable Queensland and Commonwealth privacy laws. The form cannot be altered or personalised.
OMC and UQ Legal have created a generic UQ photography and videography consent form (sometimes called a model release, image consent form, or photography permission form) that must be used by all areas of the University when a photo is taken of an individual person or small groups. This form allows you to give consent for your child’s transition statement to be created by their kindergarten teacher in an online application operated by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) in the QCAA Portal. Seeking a consent order. All VSB forms can now be completed online: Veterinary Surgeons Board online form.
This form includes: Registration renewals (from December to January) Veterinary surgeon and specialist registrations. Restore your name to the register (previously registered in Qld) Cancel your registration. Apply for a duplicate certificate. The State School Consent Form may, at your discretion, provide consent for personal information and a licence for the student materials to be published online or in other public forums. It also allows your child’s personal information and student materials to be presented in part or alongside other students’ achievements.
While this department has taken every possible precaution with the creation of these files they are downloaded and used at your own risk. If you do not have Adobe Reader it can be downloaded free by clicking the Get Adobe Reader icon below. Generic Consent Form. You must save digitally signed forms as PDF before submitting to QSA. Knee Arthroscopy - Proceed to Unicompartmental Kneee replacement or Total Knee Replacement.
Appraisal and disposal authorisation. Activity consent form – insert name and date of activity. The aims of the activity are insert educational aims.
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